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Short Term Rainfall forecasting by ANN-MCDM Approach

Project Idea :
Short Term Rainfall forecasting by ANN-MCDM Approach

Requirement :
Various data of climatic parameters, landuse pattern of the region,cloud type and density for 1 to 5 days before the day of forecast.

Justification of the Study :
Rainfall can impact the output of many industrial and agricultural processes.Even the energy ouput from the power sector is affected by the climatic parameter. Short term rainfall forecasting is an important concept as it can help the planners of this industry to adjust their input so that the required output will remain unaffected.

Brief Methodology :
A widescale expert and local survey followed by literature review has to be conducted to identify the parameters which mostly impact the rainfall probability.After the most important parameters are determined MCDM methods like Analytical Hierarchy Process or Fuzzy Decision Making can be applied to determine the relative weightage of importance of the selected parameters.A weight function can be then developed to estimate the probability of rainfall in the next day or day after tomorrow or within the next five days.

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