Start-Up Idea : Flood Forecasting Models considering BIRR and Wildfire Impacts. Flood Forecasting Models : A flood forecasting model will typically comprise of a hydrological component in which flood discharges are estimated from rainfall measurements and forecasts, and a hydrodynamic component, in which the water levels along the entire river network are calculated. Building-induced rainfall redistribution : Microtopography on the building roof direct the rainfall from roofs to the ground through the downspouts and transform the rainfall spatial distribution from plane to points. This is known as Building Induced Rainfall Redistribution(BIRR). Wildfire Impacts : Ater or during a wildfire the unknowns associated with such events are its effects on vegetation and soil conditions that influence hydrologic processes including infiltration, surface runoff, erosion, sediment transport, and flooding. At the time of development of the hydrologic models, such impacts need to be consid...
This blog is about various new and novel ideas of doing research in data science and its application on the water and energy sector.