Google Adsense give you money when users of your website click on their ads.But users of your website do not click as much as you want.So,many internet marketting pro develops their own tricks to generate more clicks from their users.I have also generated a trick. 1.Then share your link with us.Just reply to this blog with your link.This link must have the adsense codes. 2.We will enter you url to Every day just refresh this link for 10 times .Remember to press the shift button your keyboard and click on any contexual/adsense ads you find in the websites.(Put a slash after b and write your blog user name to help this trick become successful) When others will do the above step they will click on your ads.Thus,all of us will generate more income from the adsense. Is'nt it a good trick ? I've found a website called Adsense Exchange that follows similar procedures to increase the adsense earning I use that website also.
This blog is about various new and novel ideas of doing research in data science and its application on the water and energy sector.